一站式AI学习平台:AI A-Z

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一站式AI学习平台:AI A-Z

一站式AI学习平台:AI A-Z

AI A-Z向AI产品开发者提供AI开发学习相关的一站式的工具和课程资源,对于所有有志于投身AI行业的人才来说,AI A-Z都是一个非常值得关注和收藏的项目。


Artificial Intelligence is reshaping your relationship with the world and it’s just getting started. Tesla’s autopilot, job automation and the products you ‘bump into’ online are some examples of this revolution. The exponential growth in AI equals a massive opportunity for people like you, equipped with the right AI skillset, to either: join talent-hungry tech companies, launch unique businesses or apps for the next generation or simply have huge amounts of fun with cool AI projects at home.
一站式AI学习平台:AI A-Z

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping your relationship with the world, and it’s just getting started. Tesla’s autopilot, job automation, the products you ‘stumble upon’ online – it’s entering our daily lives, careers, businesses, even our homes with such blistering pace you probably haven’t even realized it. There’s most likely an AI resting in your pocket this very second. Crazy, right?

With this exponential growth in AI, we’re teetering on the edge of a new industrial revolution. There’s a reason Andrew Ng, the founder of $100m company Coursera said: “Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity” – soon it’ll be as much a part of your daily life as your smartphone, except without the off button.

But here’s where things get really crazy. This time round, the revolution will see machines taking on tasks no human intellect could ever perform. Imagine how that will change the world in the next 50 years! We’re just setting the ball in motion, and that’s exactly why this brand new course is so highly requested…

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All of this means there’s a massive opportunity for people like you, equipped with the right AI skillset, to either:

  • Join talent-hungry tech companies and be at the forefront of global innovation 
  • Launch unique businesses or apps for the next generation 
  • Simply have huge amounts of fun with cool AI projects at home

We know what you’re thinking… “But don’t these pioneering companies and exciting tech startups need a college degree to even get my foot in the door?” – not quite. Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, himself said during an interview “There’s no need to even have a degree at all, or even high school…if there’s a track record of exceptional ability”….skill trumps credentials.

And if you’re just looking to enjoy the huge potential for fun creative projects with AI from the comfort of your home, that’s possible too. AI can be deployed anywhere; we’ll show you!

But where can you learn the AI skills needed for all this? Not everyone has the seven years it takes to get a PhD in computer science or the patience to self-teach from scattered sources and dense textbooks. The world needs to gain access to these valuable skills in a fun and engaging way without all the time and bank-busting financial investment, and it needs it now…

一站式AI学习平台:AI A-Z

We’ve been asked non-stop for a course in the explosive field of Artificial Intelligence, which would teach the broader range of skills needed to solve real-world problems in a fun and exciting way. Deep Learning is great for specific problems, but AI’s uses are truly limitless.

Today we’re excited to announce Artificial Intelligence A-Z™, a brand new course teaching you how to unleash the full power of AI and open up countless doors for innovation across any field or personal project.

So how are we going to tackle a topic as complex as AI?

Well, we’ve got something new and exciting for you in mind…

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As humans, we learn best through games and pretend scenarios. It’s how we evolve. And since AI is based on the human brain that’s exactly how AI learns most effectively. Using OpenAI Gym (a project backed by Elon Musk, Microsoft, Amazon, and others), you’ll create Artificial Intelligence able to teach itself to win games like Breakout, Doom and Self-driving cars. You’ll even sit back and in wonder as it crushes your high score.

“Building an AI to play games won’t change the world, it won’t even run my coffee machine”.

Remember, the game is only the training ground for your AI. It’s like going to the gym; you train your body to complete more challenging lifts. It’s the same here (hence OpenAI “Gym”). You’re training your AI to take on more challenging problems before being deployed in real-world scenarios – like increasing business efficiency, developing new tech or running your home based on your lifestyle.

Games are a just simplified version of the real world. If your AI can teach itself to beat a game based on its rules, inputs and constraints, it can do it in our world too. All you have to do is apply the skills you learn in this course to your chosen challenges and problems…

…or keep on crushing video games, that’s plenty of fun in itself!

Here’s some perspective…

The same team that built Alpha Go (the AI that beat the world’s best Go player…at the world’s most difficult game), built an AI that created an innovative way to control Google’s cooling system in one of their data warehouses, saving the company 40% on their electricity bill. Imagine nearly halving some of the costs in your own business or home?

The point is the video games are just training wheels; the world is your AI’s real challenger.

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Introduction Module: Learn key AI concepts and intuition training to get you quickly up to speed with all things AI. Covering:

  • How to start building AI with no previous coding experience using Python
  • How to merge AI with OpenAI Gym to learn as effectively as possible
  • How to optimize your AI to reach its maximum potential in the real world
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Module 1: Breakout – Each module contains its entire mini-course, taking you from beginner to expert in each field. We’ll start simply in Module 1 and build up in difficulty.

Module 2: Doom – Build more complex AI as you progress through the course. In module 2 we will be taking on the challenge of passing a level in the popular game Doom. Watch in amazement as your own AI improves itself in front of your eyes! (not for those who take pride in holding the highest score…).

Module 3: Self-driving cars simulation – In the final module, you’ll face your most exciting challenge yet – we will show you how to create an AI for self-driving cars! This will bring you even closer to the cutting-edge applications in use today and prepare you for deploying your AI in the real world.

Each module will contain enough high-quality material to stand alone as its own course, but with Artificial Intelligence A-Z™ you will benefit from not 1 but 3 courses in a single package, meaning you get extra practice with advanced knowledge and skill in time for this “New Industrial Revolution”.


(starting from AI Enthusiast BUNDLE and above)

Bonus Module 4: Pacman – Learn how to program your AI to conquer this era-defining arcade classic and benefit from even more practice developing cutting-edge AI. That’s 33% extra course material!

And what’s more – these examples will trigger your creative mind to spark unique ideas for your own intuitive solutions. Either in the physical world or in digital products such as high-potential apps, rather than copying a typical ‘recipe book’ course.


We really want you to succeed in building AI, and that’s why we are going to add the following three Bonuses to any pledge level you choose (starting from AI Enthusiast BUNDLE and above):

  • An AI cheat sheet to enhance your creations’ learning abilities and potential
  • AI one-pager LaTeX with relevant formulas for you to have handy whenever you need it
  • Bonus video where we’ll talk about the full power of AI and how it’s rapidly changing the world as we know it
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1. Complete beginner to expert AI skills – Learn to code self-improving AI for a range of purposes. In fact, we code together with you. Every tutorial starts with a blank page, and we write up the code from scratch. This way you can follow along and understand exactly how the code comes together and what each line means.

2. Code templates – Plus, you’ll get downloadable Python code templates for every AI you build in the course. This makes the building truly unique AI as simple as changing a few lines of code. If you unleash your imagination, the potential is unlimited.

3. Intuition Tutorials – Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. That’s why we don’t throw complex mathematics at you, but focus on building up your intuition in coding AI making for infinitely better results down the line.

4. Real-world solutions – You’ll achieve your goal in not only 1 game but in 4 (incl. Bonus module). Each module is comprised of varying structures and difficulties, meaning you’ll be skilled enough to build AI adaptable to any environment in real life, rather than just passing a glorified memory “test and forget” like most other courses. Practice truly does make perfect.

5. In-course support – We’re fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven AI course on the planet. This requires us to be there when you need our help. That’s why we’ve put together a team of professional Data Scientists to support you in your journey, meaning you’ll get a response from us within 48 hours maximum.

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“What if I don’t have any need for AI right now?”

AI is rapidly expanding into our lives each and every day, meaning even though you may not have many uses now, soon you’ll have hundreds. Picture this, those who first heard about the concept of “electricity” would have thought exactly the same, now look at the world. Same thing goes for tech – you would have been puzzled by the need for a “Smartphone” ten years ago, yet now we can’t imagine our lives without one. The true potential only becomes apparent in time, do you want to risk missing out?

“I like that there are no complex maths, but this isn’t TOO simple, right?”

Not at all. We’ll take you to the same level as if you’d learned AI the long, hard way – we just choose to teach in ways that are a lot more fun (and less headache-inducing). By the end of this course, you’ll be able to implement complex AI in your personal life, business or career and achieve amazing results.

“I’ve seen other courses charge for a certificate, is this course the same?”

We don’t believe in charging $300 just for a certificate of completion. If you pass this course you deserve the right to show your new skills by default – that’s why our certificate of completion comes free for you to show to future employers, further your business credentials or simply to show off to friends.

“I’ve already done the Deep Learning course, will this course still benefit me?”

Deep Learning is a great asset when applied to very narrow problems, interpreting data points in niche business algorithms for example. However, these constraints mean it falls short when tackling a wider range of problems. Learning general AI opens up a whole host of new possibilities not just in narrow business solutions, but across entertainment, robotics, health, transportation, or anything you put your mind to!

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We’ll be on hand to support you along your entire journey!

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See what other students just like you are saying about our recent best-selling courses:

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Upon completion of this course you’ll get a valid electronic certificate which you can use to boost business credentials, increase the chances of landing that dream job in tech or simply show off to your connections on Linkedin (the actual design will differ):

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We hope you’re as excited about this idea as we are. AI will be a huge part of all our lives, so it’s only fair that you have an equal opportunity to get involved. We’re passionate about bringing AI to the world, and today we need your help to ensure this groundbreaking course becomes a reality.

Thank you,

Kirill and Hadelin

一站式AI学习平台:AI A-Z

Visiting MIT, Boston, May 2017






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